The Quick-And-Dirty on How To Take an AncestryDNA test

Note: This post is not endorsed nor paid for by, but is for the use of genealogists and those interested around the world to keep up-to-date on the newest in the field. 16176548_10158246717285601_946598684_n

Ever since my first DNA test taken years ago, I’ve been fascinated by what historical geneticists could tell me about my past. It always struck me that family members can bend the truth, written records can lie and the origins of an individual can be obfuscated.  But, beyond all of that, I knew that science of DNA couldn’t lie.



Science and the study of genetics give us the plain and dirty facts of where we came from without the lens of humanity attached  — we get to do that later.  But we can discuss that later. Today’s post is all about how to take Ancestry’s DNA test.

Taking a test that can tell you your heritage can seem a little daunting, and even though I wasn’t the one doing it today, I was still nervous. But, Ancestry makes it really easy and the directions are straightforward for anyone looking to find our their past.


STEP 1: This step really should be that you have purchased a kit from Ancestry here, but I’m going to assume you’ve already done it. Surprise! It arrived in your mailbox and it looks like this.

STEP 2:  Make sure before you start spitting to enter your activation code (found on the plastic vial underneath the barcode) into Ancestry’s website here. This will help you connect your results of the DNA test to your family tree online at a later point.

STEP 3: This is the second most important step, make sure to lay out AT LEAST 30 MINUTES to do this test.  Make sure you have not smoked, drank or eaten in the last 30 minutes. In order to not compromise the test, you will need to follow these directions to the letter. It helps if you set a timer on your phone like I did below.16215808_10158246715705601_1506124223_n


STEP 3: Once you get to the point where you are ready, get set to spit! And I mean spit. You will need to fill up the vial to the wavy line. This looks like a lot, but it reality it is only half the vial. Once you’ve reached the wavy line without too many bubbles it is time to cap it.

STEP 4:  Flip the cap over, make sure it is good and tight, you don’t want any of your spit coming on out (gross, I know!). Once the cap (with the blue liquid) is on tightly, hold firmly and shake for 5 counts. If you are confused, don’t worry, Ancestry has also put out a video just for you!

STEP 5: You are done! Put it inside the inside packaging (the black baggie) and seal it, then insert into the pre-printed box (you don’t’ even need to put stamps on it) and pop it in the mailbox. You are done!


Within 6-8 weeks you’ll have your results

When did you take your last DNA tests? Leave a COMMENT below!

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