The Girls of Polygamy — A Spotlight on the Young Women Married Much Too Young

It's that dreaded P-word, polygamy. A word that many genealogists groan at and those of particular persuasions try to pretend it didn't happen. But it did. Polygamy (in the United States) was practiced by early members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) from 1852 to 1890 when it was officially discontinued... Continue Reading →

A Polygamist In Peril – Susan Elizabeth Bench’s Escape to Mexico

Author's Note: This is not an actual letter from Susan Elizabeth Bench to her grandchildren but a historical narrative based off facts from Susan's life as noted in her biography. My Dearest Grandchildren, I write you this letter to clarify some of my life as you have asked. The stories of my life I would... Continue Reading →

The Falling Sickness of Ruby S. McComb

Note:Ruby Walker Smith did not actually write this letter, but I am presenting the information in a way that lends itself to storytelling. My Dear Readers, I wanted to take this precious time I have been given in my short life to tell you a little bit about what trials and tribulations I went through... Continue Reading →

The Sister Wives Saga: The Gardner Girls

Author's Note: This information is as accurate as found in my current research.  Some men had one wife, others 56. Elias Gardner (son of William and Ann Gardner of Massachusetts)  landed somewhere in the middle. He had nine wives -- Harriet, Amy, Betsy, Diantha, Ruth, Ellen, Ann, Emily + Martha.  This is their story. Wife #1:... Continue Reading →

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