Find a Grave – It’s About Time

Find A Grave. What a site. It landed on the genealogy scene in 1995 when Salt Lake City resident Jim Timpton built a genealogical database with his hobby of visiting celebrity gravestones. Since then, it has grown into a global database for many of the millions of dead from around the world. Members and non-members... Continue Reading →

Win Tickets to the First Ever Virtual Genealogy Conference!

Something I really love about the genealogy community is all the difference conferences, webinars, and ways we learn -- but, one of the things I like least about the genealogy community is how much emphasis is put on these conferences, when many cannot make it (*waves* hello) to all the conferences due to economic, family... Continue Reading →

Day 1: RootsTech

What an amazing first day of RootsTech. It was more than I could have ever imagined and I've already learned so much. After a quick rush to the convention center to get registered, I was able to get my tote bag with all its goodies and my name badge. In the rush of the morning crowd,... Continue Reading →

The Hipster Historian Goes to RootsTech!

For the very first time, I will be attending the largest genealogical conference in the world, RootsTech -- being held in Salt Lake City, Utah. This will also be the first genealogical conference I have ever attended (exciting!). In past years, I've attended other conventions (mostly Comic Cons) but this is only the second conference  in... Continue Reading →

The Big DNA Upset — Ancestry’s Change

Earlier this week broke the genealogy world by introducing a new policy surrounding their DNA tests. This news has caused many a person to express their views concerning the subject, and as any good genealogist would do, I'm jumping into the fray to separate fact from fiction. According to the new policy released by Ancestry... Continue Reading →

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